Monday, February 26, 2007


Ingibjörg gave me an idea in her comment on the last post. Sort of. She said I could be the inspiration for a good, Belgian comic character.

Now, this somehow stuck in my head, and after brewing in my brain for the weekend, a most pleasing beverage of an idea is ready to be tapped.

My old friends, Svalur og Valur, aka Spirou et Fantasio, aka Robbedoes en Kwabbernoot will help me improve my vocabulary. After all, I am living in their country of origin. And even though many of their adventures have been translated into Icelandic, many of the 49 (arguably, depending on how you count) books will be new to me.



Missy Blue Eyes said...

hey kúl!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Til hamingju með daginn! Viggó viðutan fimmtugur í dag.

Anonymous said...

Þú ert reyndar alveg eins og ein teiknimyndafígúra, ekki belgísk þó. Hann heitir Basil, og kemur frá Walt Disney. "Basil the great mouse detective" hann minnir mig alltaf á Bjössa.