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Happy New Year
Gelukkig nieuwjaar
Happy New Year
Gelukkig nieuwjaar
As you can probably imagine I can hardly wait for the new year to start with a new job in a new country. With everything so new it was nearly poetic when it started snowing, and this morning everything was white: my footprints writing the first words on the empty sheet the new year presented me with.
Note I said nearly poetic, you should see what happens when it's REALLY poetic.
But as much as I look forward to the coming weeks and months, these days I'm thinking equally of the year that's passed and all the happy moments I've had with all the wonderful people I'm honoured to call my friends. :)
Skál! Cheers! Gezondheid!
já þetta var alveg hörkufínt ár bara kallinn minn. takk fyrir allt á árinu pínu sorrí yfir að þú ætlir að yfirgefa mig á árinu 2007...en ber mig vel. ;-)
Takk fyrir 2006!
Ho ho ho! Var að sjá að ég er the teacher á listanum hjá þér.. flissaði upphátt ;)
Takk fyrir gott kvöld á Karó - algjör snilld en of mikið hvítvín, úff!
Gangi þér vel að ferðast til meginlands evrópu :)
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