Wednesday, March 7, 2007

(mostly) True story

I raced over the tram-line tracks as fast as I dared and took the last turn before arriving at my house, tyres squeeling*. I hastily dashed across the road, and rushed into my apartment, taking the stairs two steps at a time**.

I somehow managed to unlock the door despite my hands shaking, and I ran inside. Threw some empty cans and bottles into a bag, covered up the items lying on the chair with a blanket I found, emptied the kitchen table as well as I could, found more empty cans, couldn't find the bag...

The doorbell rang.

I hesitated.

It rang again.***

I put the cans down and, resigned to my fate, went to the door phone. I picked it up and the screen flickered to life. The black-and-white image showed my front door eclipsed by a large bald head.

"Yes?" I said.

"It's the police," came the reply.

To be continued.****

* Not really squeeling. But I did go kinda fast.
** Not true. I took the elevator.
*** Not true either, just for dramatic effect.
**** In the comments or otherwise ;)


Anonymous said...

oh my god, oh my god, oh my goooooooood!!!

Missy Blue Eyes said...

hehehe...þetta er eitthvað jafn ómerkilegt og að þeir hafi bara verið að tékka á hvort þú byggir þarna í raun og veru! :þ

en er alltaf svona mikið drasl heima hjá þér...?

Anonymous said...

Fundu þeir ekki bara bílinn þinn?