Friday, March 23, 2007


The office vending machine has been out of waffles for a week!

Out of waffles! In Belgium! I fear a mutiny if this hasn't been fixed by Monday...

I've been really bad at writing lately, and I could use the lack of waffles as an excuse, but I won't. I've just been lazy. It's not that nothing's been going on, because it has. Let's see.

My apartment is for sale. Check it out on (can't link directly to my place, but it's listed under newest properties).

Most of my stuff is also for sale, if you're interested.

I'm coming/going to Iceland (depending on your location). 28th of April - 6th of May. Update your calendars please.

I'm now listed as Björn Kristinsson - Belgium in the Icelandic National Registry.

Life is exciting :)

Have a nice weekend everyone.


Anonymous said...

So does this mean you're gone forever? :(

Missy Blue Eyes said...

hmm...hvað af dótinu þínu er til sölu? :þ

Anonymous said...

sniff sniff ... i want your apartment ;)

't beertje said...

Kannski ekki fyrir fullt og allt, en um óákveðinn tíma... :)

Ingibjörg: næstum allt! Láttu mig bara vita ef þú hefur eitthvað sérstakt í huga ;)

María: Then buy it while you still can! (Call Edgardo) :P