Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow in Ghent

Snow in Ghent
Snow in Ghent,
originally uploaded by 't Beertje.
This is what I woke up to last Thursday. Just lovely.

I believe this is the river Leie (someone please correct me if it isn't ;)). The Leie is known as the Lys where it starts, far away in France, but passes through Dutch speaking lands before going to the sea.


Unknown said...

It is indeed the Leie, dear, but it sort of stops in Gent, where it flows into the Schelde. Which is also why the first Gentenaars chose this place to settle in the first place. :)

einar said...

Þú verður að vera duglegri að blogga maður. Öðruvísi veit maður ekkert hvað þú ert að gera þarna úti!

P.S. svart/hvíta myndin af stelpunni (Elisu?) á Flickr-inu er glæsileg. Þú mátt alveg kenna mér svona ,,grunge" vinnslu við tækifæri ;) Hef verið að prófa en ekkert gengið
