Saturday, December 23, 2006


originally uploaded by 't Beertje.
I almost missed it this year.

"Skata" - called skate in English, looks a bit like stingray - is an extremely smelly fish that makes your eyes water and your nose runny. It is traditionally eaten on the 23rd of December.

With this in mind, I ordered a flight to Akureyri (my home town) early in the morning so I wouldn't miss it. But with the abysmal weather we've been having the flight was delayed and delayed again, so in the end I felt forced to jump into the car and drive.

I felt like crying when I had Burger King for lunch. So in a way, it made my eyes water but my nose was hardly runny at all.

5 hours later I arrived in Akureyri, and stopped by my grandmother's who, bless her, had saved a bit for me. So there we were, two of us, in her kitchen, and she watched me with some pride as I swallowed piece after piece, watery eyed with a runny nose and an ecstatic grin on my face.


Bjössi said...

Hahah,, yes it sure is tasty! :)

Lára said...

Har har!
Ég borðaði skötu í fyrsta sinn í dag. Ég fann fyrir henni í allan dag í maganum og iðrunum og er nokkuð viss um hvenær ég skilaði henni því þá hætti þessi tilfinning. ;)
Ammoníak er málið á þollák!